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Based on price and quality vs alternatives

Welcome to Review Shop’s fully detailed product review for the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier from one of our favourite UK highstreet retailers John Lewis. Here at the Review Shop, we pride ourselves in offering the very best, most detailed and thorough Heating & Cooling reviews on the internet, so that you can go away and make a fully informed purchase decision!

Read all Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier reviews here:

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Before we delve in to our in depth Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier review, here’s what the seller, John Lewis had to say about the item in their product description: The Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier is able to dry your clothes quickly and effectively, without becoming a burden on your energy bills. Powered by just 270W, this intelligent dehumidifier efficiently extracts water thanks to its DC Motor that uses less energy, the harder it works. As well as drying your laundry, the Meaco 25L is a great choice for anyone needing a dehumidifier in a larger home or storage space. It also come equipped with a child lock, an ioniser to help clean the air, and an auto-restart feature that retains your chosen settings after a power cut. Programmes include: Humidistat Mode – choose your target relative humidity between 30 and 80% Laundry Mode – makes use of the 280må_/hour fan speed to dry your clothes Quiet mode – reduces the fan speed to low and turns off the bleeper Auto mode – regulates the compressor and fan speed depending on the room humidity to maintain a comfortable environment. As with the majority of products from Meaco, you can rest assured that you are buying in to a top quality product, that will deliver a very respectable life expectancy, you can check Meaco’s website for full details of the warranty or guarantee that they offer with their wide range of products.

Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier in-depth review

As part of our review process, we make sure that we scour the internet to find the best possible price for the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier, so that you don’t need to waste your time clicking around for the best deal. Our search found that the lowest available price online for the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier was an incredibly low £299.99, and the shop offering the best price was the well respected John Lewis, so you can also buy it safe in the knowledge that you are purchasing from on of the best known online retailers in the country.

So let us kick off our top to tail review of the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier, which is also known by Meaco’s product code of 25L Platinum Dehumidifier – HumidiDRYER. This particular product is suited to a wide range of users, and we found during our extensive trial that it performed very highly in all of our Heating & Cooling tests. If you’re reading this review from outside of the UK then you will also be interested in knowing the European article number, also known as EAN, which is: 236768116. This can be used to look up the product at a local retailer in your home country, as this number is unique to this product all over the European union.

We know that many savvy shoppers like to hear the opinion of an expert in the area of Heating & Cooling, before they make their purchase commitment. But on top of our expert opinion provided in this product review, we also went to the effort of collating some real user reviews from around the country. We are pleased to say that we have found an impressive 59 reviews for the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier and out of everyone that has purchased the item and tried it for themselves, we found that the average rating was a very credible out of 10.

Our top tips for purchasing Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier

  1. Firstly, and definitely most importantly, make sure you check out Review Shop’s fully detailed product review, we go to extreme lengths to ensure that this item has been tested almost to the point of destruction, so you can rest secure in the knowledge that you are getting exactly what is described by the retailer.
  2. After you’ve read our first impressions and detailed tests, then click on see full review to check the star rating or score out of 10 that shoppers of a similar profile have allocated to this item. Be aware that you will always get the truth, some of the reviews are good and some might be more negative, so always take them with a pinch of salt!
  3. When you are making your purchase, think about how you are going to fund the item, there are lots of good store cards and online finance packages available to help you spread the cost of the product over anything from a few months to a few years, this is especially relevant with the fantastic low interest rates available, in some cases you are better off using store credit than having the savings sitting in your account, especially with the top retailers who’s offer 0% finance on some purchases.

Our review summary of the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier

After many hours and 234 Heating & Cooling reviews completed by Review Shop this year alone, we think we have found something quite special with this latest review of the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier. In fact, this could quite possibly be the top rated product we’ve ever seen from Meaco, and that takes some doing as we have already reviewed over 4 of their goods! So if you are not already convinced that this is the right item for you, then click the ‘See all reviews’ button to hear from like minded online shoppers, by the time you have heard some of the great features and benefits of this item, we are convinced that you will be desperate to get over to John Lewis’s website and order the product for yourself!

So we are almost at the end of our Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier review, but before we finish, we would just like to ask you to help spread the word by sharing any of our reviews that you find useful on social media or by telling your friends. If you have not found the review you were looking for today, then you can get in touch with us via the contact page or on social media to make a request for a new product review, we will always try our best to get hold of any products that are missing and put them through their paces for a review on our website. If you would like to find out more about how our step by step product views are carried out then we would be happy to discuss this with you in more detail, also if you are interested in writing some reviews for our website then we would love to hear from you, especially if you own one of the products already featured or perhaps missing from our site, simply send us a message via the contact page and make sure you include your name and email address or phone number so we can get hold of you. That just leaves us to introduce a short video review for this item which you can view below, we hope you enjoy it:

Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidifier

Rating: 9.0 out of 10